The IPC Division of Trime, C.A., is in charge of carrying out projects with IPC contracts - turnkey, in synergy with the other operative divisions of the Group.


Using the capacities, the experience and the facilitations of the other operative Divisions of the Group, especially Construction and Manufacturing, our IPC division, manages to get in the realization of projects, competitive and very favorable contractual conditions in Quality and Prices.

The IPC Division carries out Oil & Gas, Generation and Infrastructure projects, with its own technology or opportunely with leading companies in different sectors.


Only the best!

People with high level of skills, proven experience, efficient, effective and responsible

IPC Project Manager

During the realization of each project, the IPC Division appoints a Project Manager who acts as the sole responsible towards the Customer, coordinating the activities and ensuring compliance with all contractual conditions.

The Project Manager, during the execution of the project, is supported by the Project Control Manager, by the Engineering Manager, the Purchasing Coordinator, the Construction Manager and by the Commissioning and Start-up Manager. In addition, the Project Manager is supported by the Group’s Centralized Divisions, especially in the areas of Administration, Finance, Human Resources, Quality and Environment.

IPC Project Control Manager

The Project Control Manager is responsible for the control and monitoring of costs, maintenance and possible improvement of the contractual program. He or she is also responsible for calculating and monitoring monthly progress and verifying compliance with the contractual conditions.

IPC Engineering Manager

On the other hand, the Engineering Manager is responsible for coordinating all basic and detailed engineering activities of all disciplines. In addition, he is responsible for coordinating any specialized external engineering providers and for monitoring the flow of technical information.

Purchasing Coordinator

The Purchasing Coordinator is responsible for coordinating the procurement of the necessary equipment and materials, in order to meet the technical specifications and at the same time, the contractual requirements. He or she is also responsible for coordinating Expediting and Inspection services, transportation to the work site, Customs and tariff rates. In addition, it has the Workshops and Manufacturing of the Trime, C.A. Group as long as the technical and commercial conditions comply with the contractual requirements.

Construction Manager

The Construction Manager is responsible for the execution of the Civil Works, the Mechanical, Electrical and Instrumental Assembly, and the support for the Commissioning and Start up. He is also responsible for the purchase of construction materials.  The Construction Manager has all the powerful construction organization of Grupo Trime, C.A. in terms of experience, capacity, equipment and machinery.

Commissioning and Star up Manager

Finally, the Commissioning and Start-up Manager is responsible for the Pre commissioning, Commissioning and Start-up of the plant. He coordinates with the Engineering Manager and the Construction Manager, verifies the Operating Manuals, and coordinates the Technical Specialists.